OASIS PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1, August 1999 OASIS PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1, September 1999 Copyright 1999 Jonathan Blake. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document. If you modify this License in any way, you must remove all words and phrases associated with Jonathan Blake or Desert Lynx's Lone Wolf Oasis such as "Oasis", "Desert Lynx" or "jonblake@lw-oasis.org". Based upon GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 Copyright 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Preamble This License is a derivative work of and owes much of its language to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE can be obtained at http://www.gnu.org/ or by writing to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This License's purpose is to make appropriate modifications to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE to make it applicable to works other than software. This was acheived by replacing certain words that referred specifically to software or ideas associated with software. For example, "Program" was replaced by "Document" and "patent" was replaced by "copyright". Section 3 of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE was omitted as it dealt with ideas solely applicable to software. The intent of this License it to allow distribution of a document but protect the rights of the document's recipients and of the original author. Only the author of the document holds copyrights. Recipients are granted rights sufficient to copy, modify and distribute the document only on condition that everyone (including those that receive a modified version) is allowed the exactly same rights without abridgement. To protect your document under the terms of this License, include text following the pattern of Exhibit A within the document: This notification may appear within any standard method of commenting as long as the recipient has a reasonable method of viewing these comments. For example, it may appear within SGML comments (